Napsal IYNF Team dne 16.prosince 2005
International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) is seeking the Chief Financial Officer for its Secretariat in Prague. IYNF ( is an international youth NGO based in Prague with member organisation in most European countries. The CFO will be responsible for management of the financial department as well as for the overall financial and funding agenda of the organisation – that includes budgeting, modelling and controlling cash-flows, reporting to internal bodies and to funding institutions, support to project teams in their financial management, drafting grant applications, communication with internal/external audit.
We require:
Dveře otevřené mají u nás ale všechny skupiny lidí, kteří mají smysl pro humor, chtějí se scházet a souhlasí s ideály, které Duha naplňuje.
Duha má za sebou více než 35 letou historii. Zajímá vás, jak v roce 1989 vznikala?