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IYNF to elect a new leadership

Napsal Hynek Peèinka dne 25.května 2008

In the weekend of 9-11 May, International Young Naturefriends (IYNF) held their General Assembly in Belgium in the beautiful costal area of Oostduinkerke.
Total 42 participants, from which 32 were delegates with voting rights coming from member organisations, Presidium and the adult Naturefriends´ organisation, spent the two days with discussion about the future shape of IYNF

The Assembly elected a new Presidium: Friedrich Koeckert (DE), Daniela Slamova (CZ), Sven Sucker (DE) and Basia Swiech (PL). 
New President Friedrich Koeckert said in his first speech: "It has been a long process of organisational development and I must say I have enjoyed it a lot. However, I am equally looking forward to have it already done and come back to work!"
Besides the election of the new leadership, the Assembly discussed in depth proposals of a new organisational design as prepared by the leaving Presidium under the title "Next IYNF". The main idea was to create a more flat organisational structure, open the network for other members and increase cooperation of the members. The discussion resulted into  formation of a working group that will develop a new proposal of IYNF organisational design. For that reason the delegates convened an Extraordinary General Assembly for December 2008, which will decide about the proposal and elect a new leadership for the next period. 

In case of further questions, please contact Rodrigo Teixeira at
Zdroj: Tisková zpráva IYNF

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